Build a CMS from Scratch Using PHP
In the Build a CMS from Scratch Using PHP course, you'll learn how to develop a fully functional Content Management System (CMS) from the ground up. This hands-on course will guide you through the essential techniques and concepts needed to create, manage, and scale a CMS using PHP and MySQL, the powerful backend technologies that drive dynamic web applications.
Responsible | Administrator |
Last Update | 11/18/2024 |
Members | 6 |
1. Introduction
1. Introduction
2. Installation
1. Installing Xampp
2. Installing Visual Studio Code
3. Getting Started and Creating the Authentication System
1. The Design of Clean Blog
2. Setting up the Config File
3. The Register Page pt.1
4. The Register Page pt.2
5. The Login Page
6. Logging in and Starting the Session
7. Logging out and Destroying the Session pt.1
8. Logging out and Destroying the Session pt.2
4. Creating our Full Posts System
1. Creating Posts
2. Showing the Posts in the Index Page
3. Showing a Single Post
4. Deleting Posts
5. Updating Posts
6. Finshing up Updating and Deleting Posts(with Images)
7. Validation and Finishing Posts Up
5. Building the Category System (Users Side)
1. Showing Categories
2. Creating Posts with Categories
3. Showing Posts Based on Categories
6. Creating the Profile Page
1. Profile Page
7. Refining and Finishing up the Users Side
1. Refining and Finshing up the Users Side pt.1
2. Refining and Finishing up the Users Side pt.2
8. Getting Started with the Admin Panel
1. The Design of Admin Panel
2. Logging the Admins in pt.1
3. Logging the Admins in (with Sessions) pt.2
9. Starting with Admins
1. Displaying Data in the Dashboard
2. Showing the Admins Data
3. Creating New Admins
10. Perfecting the Categories (Admin Side)
1. Showing Categories
2. Creating Categories
3. Deleting Categories
4. Updating Categories
11. Perfecting the Posts (Admin Side)
1. Showing Posts
2. Deleting Posts
3. Controlling the Posts Status
12. Refining and Finishing up
1. Refining the Admin Panel and Finishing up
13. Extra Content Building a Cool Comments System
1. Comments System(Creating the Comments)
2. Getting Comments for Every Post
3. Validation and Cleaning up pt.1
4. Validation and Cleaning up pt.2
5. Showing the Comments
6. Changing the Comments Status
7. Deleting Comments
14. Searching through Posts
1. Searching into our Posts
2. Adding Number of Searches
3. Finishing up and Fixing Bugs.mp4