Introduction to Odoo ERP Customization
Course is designed for professionals who want to understand the basics of customizing Odoo, the popular open-source ERP system, to fit specific business needs. In this course, you’ll learn how to modify Odoo modules and applications, customize workflows, and add unique features, transforming Odoo into a powerful tool for managing business operations efficiently.
Responsible | Administrator |
Last Update | 11/18/2024 |
Members | 8 |
1. Introduction
1. Introduction
2. Setting up Odoo Development Environment and Understanding the Foundation
1. Overview of Odoo Framework, Architecture and Module Composition
2. Choosing the Right Odoo Setup Option
3. Installing Odoo Server and Dependencies
4. Create and Setup a Database
5. Understanding Odoo Actions and Menus
6. Make Development Easy with PyCharm
7. Understanding Odoo Manifest
7.1 Odoo Manifest
8. Odoo Configuration File and Command-line interface (CLI)
8.1 Command-line interface (CLI)
8.2 Odoo Conf File
3. Creating your First Odoo Application
1. Understanding your Business Workflow or Requirements
1.1 The Real Estate Advertisement Module
2. Creating our Module Structure
3. Adding our First Model and Basic Fields
4. Security - A Brief Introduction
5. Basic UI to Play With Working with Actions and Menus
6. Basic Views Form View & Tree View
4. Indepth Understanding of Models and Logics
1. Relationships between Models Creating a Many2one Field
2. Relationships between Models Creating a Many2many Field
3. Relationships between Models Creating a One2many Field
4. Adding More to the Form View Notebook and Pages
5. Understanding Computed Fields and Onchange ORM Decorator
6. Working with Data Files and Demo Files
7. Creating Related Fields and Applying Domains
8. Understanding Method Decorators and their Usage
9. Understanding ORM Methods Create, Write, Delete and Other Methods
10. Actions and Buttons Working with States and Smart Buttons
11. Adding Sprinkles to our Logic and View Notebook, Page, Attrs and More
12. Understanding Wizards and Generic Models TransientModel and AbstractModel
5. Indepth Understanding of Views
1. Adding Search View to our Module Filters And Groups
2. Working with Kanban View in our Module
3. Adding Pivot View to our Module
4. Working with Gantt and Graph View
5. Adding Calendar View to our Module
6. [EXTRA] Understanding Attrs, Sequence and Widgets Available in Odoo
6. Expanding on Security Groups, Access Rights and Record Rules
1. Deeper Understanding of Security Groups, Access Rights and Record Rules
2. Adding Groups to our Property Model
3. Getting Advanced with Access Rights
4. Getting Advanced with Record Rules
7. Understanding Automation, Actions and Reports
1. Introduction to Odoo Actions
2. Working with Client Actions
3. Working with Server Actions
4. Adding Scheduled Actions to our Module
5. Working with URL Actions
6. QWeb Report Creating Report Actions and PDF Report for our Module
8. Internalization
1. Adding Translation to our Module (i18n and .po files)
9. Getting Advanced with Mixins and Useful Classes
1. Messaging Mixins Message Integration, Mail Alias and Activities Tracking
2. Website Mixins Visitor Tracking, Website Visibility and Website Metadata
3. Adding Rating on Your Model & Sending Rating Requests by E-mail
10. Working with Emails and Templates
1. Understanding Emails, Messages and Setting Up Outgoing Mail Server
2. Creating our First Email Template
11. Logic and View Inheritance
1. Extending Logic Python Inheritance and Model Inheritance
2. Working with View Inheritance
12. Working with XML-RPC, JSON-RPC and Web Controllers
1. XML-RPC Auth Connection and Calling Methods
2. Implementing JSON-RPC in our Module
3. Understanding Web Controllers and API
4. [EXTRA] Building an In-App Purchase Service
4.1 Provide IAP Services
13. Miscellaneous
1. QWeb Templates Basic Synax and Usage
14. Odoo Cloud Hosting for Custom Deployment
1. Cloud Hosting for Custom Deployment & Server Management
1.1 Deployment Guide
2. Digital Ocean Cloud Hosting for Custom Deployment
3. [EXTRA] How To Upload Modules To Odoo Apps Store